The Invisible Way To Correct Your Smile

The Invisible Way To Correct Your Smile

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The traditional braces are one of the most famous ways of correcting the shape of your teeth. However, to get it, your oral health should be in the best condition. If your teeth are not clean enough, then your dentist would clean them so that the braces can properly fit on to your teeth. 

Invisalign, on the other hand,  is the modern solution to improve your teeth’ structure and position without using wires like the traditional braces. The Invisalign is custom-made according to your teeth’ structure, and they work like invisible aligners. You would need to change the aligners every two weeks with a straightened set so that your teeth can change its shape to become perfect. 

Taking about the advantages

There are multiple benefits of properly aligned straight teeth apart from aesthetic beauty. It would include:

  • Oral Health Improvement
  • Proper chewing of food
  • Prevention of jawbone erosion 

The braces would adjust your jawbones and lips, improving the overall aesthetics. 

When it comes to Invisalign London, several oral conditions can be treated with this. Along with correcting the teeth’ shape, it helps improve conditions like under-bite, crossbite, etc. It also helps in filling up the gaps of the teeth. 

The discomfort

Wearing traditional braces, you might experience some discomfort from it. You might experience teeth sensitivity, and the braces can cause sores in your mouth. You can also experience some irritation and face problems while eating some particular food. Your dentist would suggest you eat soft food initially. 

Invisalign not only improves the appearance of your smile but the functioning of the teeth and the jaw muscles too. These near- invisible braces function the same as conventional braces, but are easier to use. 

In general, orthodontic treatment utilising clear aligners is quicker than with a traditional brace. Since patient consistency is fundamental to the treatment’s achievement, patients must be trained about wearing their aligners consistently to avoid prolonging the treatment or compromising the results.

Invisalign is much easier to maintain when we compare it to the traditional braces. They are relatively easy to clean, and cleaning them is just like brushing your teeth. You can take out the aligner while eating and drinking and brush them before putting it back into the mouth. Maintaining your natural teeth is also quite easy with Invisalign. You can do regular oral hygiene maintenance with it. They are removable, and this can help you to maintain all-round oral hygiene.

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